Monday, October 15, 2018

Social Media Fast & What I Learned

So I've been on a social media fast for... I don't know, 17 days are so. It's not the first one I've done either. But this time around, since I went even longer, I feel I really learned more from this experience.

At first, I just really wanted to break the addiction, ya know. The "need" to check it 2 dozen times a day. Mindlessly scrolling with out purpose. Well, that has definitely happened, and I'm so pleased. I feel much more free and I don't just sit there wasting time on social media doing nothing important. However, with out trying, it evolved into so much more. I've learned to not care. Yes. Not care what others think and not care about unimportant pages I once deemed important to myself worth and happiness. Let me expound.

I use to follow a lot beauty and makeup pages. I spent a lot of time looking and "researching" different makeup brands trying to decide what I might like to try. Becoming obsessed, really. This obsession led to stress, anxiety and short tempers when my boys would keep interrupting my "research".  It was a huge time waster and made me disconnect from my reality and check out from that moment. Then, one day, I decided that was enough. I hated that this thing I claimed to love and I thought brought me happiness was actually making me distant from my family. So, I unfollowed all beauty and makeup pages on social media. Including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I got rid of these time wasters. These anxiety builders. The result? Priceless. I no longer worry and fret over these meaningless and unnecessary things. These worldly things that really don't add value to my life. Not only do they not add value but they take away from the true value of my life. And that is not worth it. So what am I doing with makeup now?

Makeup Obsessed

Priorities Straight 

I'm finishing up what I own right now. I'm not buying anything new that doesn't need replacing. Then, once I start finishing products up, I'll determine if I even want to purchase something new or if I want to go a different direction with my makeup look. But, back to the important part of this post.

I've learned that anything can become an obsession. And not in a good way. Think about it. Think really hard about your own life. Are there things in your own life that you put a lot of time and energy and maybe money into that really doesn't hold important value? That is actually causing you unnecessary stress or anxiety? Is making you short tempered with others? Does it make you disconnect from those around you and make you miss living in the moment? I'm serious. Really think about it. Ponder it. Pay attention. Pray about it. And if there is, then ditch it. Make drastic changes. I promise, that it will make a difference. It may be hard at first but it is worth it.

I also talked about how I have learned to not worry about what others think so much on social media. I don't worry about posting certain things anymore because who really cares? I want to only post about what really matters to me. That would be my family and the gospel. My testimony in Jesus Christ and His gospel. These are the truly important things that bring true value to my life. Not knowing what others are up to and what they picture perfect life looks like. Because that's the thing about social media. You get to pick and choose what people know and what they don't know. You can edit your life to make it seem like you have life figured out and have no real problems. How exhausting.

So yes. Getting off of social media for a time has really helped me refocus on what is truly valuable in my life. What I really want and need to put my focus towards. And it's not makeup. It's my family. My relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Learning all I can about this life. Teaching my boys to be amazing men. Working on talents and developing new skills. Becoming the best version of me. Being a Daughter of Heavenly Father. Being His disciple. Sharing these truths with everyone I know.

Again, please, take the time to re-evaluate your own life. Determine what is truly important and what really brings value to your life. Be mindful of it all. Make changes that need to be made. Concentrate on what matters. Re-devote yourself to your loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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