Thursday, April 11, 2013


Because we moved (to St. George for the time being) the day before Easter, not much was planned. I had planned a dinner a couple weeks before hand so that was done. But other then church, that's all really. We did however get great pictures of Alister. He know seems to know what the camera is, so when he sees you pointing it at him he gives a smile. (: so darn cute! Adam actually took all the ones of Alister, so that's his work. (: We hope you had a wonderful Easter. Always remember The Lord and his sacrifice for us.


  1. Fun fun fun. I am loving your pink hair. That is exciting about your move across country. It can be tough being so far away from family but there are many blessings that come because of it too.

  2. What beautiful pictures. Your son is so precious. Thanks for posting and sharing this blog. Take care! I think it is a blessing you are moving to Indiana because it will bring your in laws this way to see you and increase the odds I can see them as well. I feel it is God at work again with a master plan for us to see each other. Whenever I see Kathy and Bob good things always follow so I am very excited. Hugs to all and hope you feel better. Kellie :)
