Today, I wanted to share an experience I had with my own depressive emotions and an important friend and their depression.
There I was, laying on the couch, still in my pajamas. I was feeling so tired (thanks daylight savings time) and distant from everything. I had no motivation. All I really wanted was to go back to sleep. Then, I decided to check Instagram. There it was. They answer to my own depression. They key to get me going for the day. A post from my dear friend. They admitted to having felt depressed all weekend and asked for any coping skills and tips from others that may struggle with these severe emotions. I immediately jumped into action. I sent a direct message to my friend first saying how sorry I was they had gone through depression over the weekend. Then I shared some coping skills I've used in the past and some I still use currently. Because everyone is different and there is no one trick wonder. If there were, there would be a lot less depression in the world. They gave a brief "Thank you".
It then hit me.
"Corrinne! Get off your couch and get your act together!"
I did just that! I literally rolled quickly rolled off the couch and sprung into action. I washed my face, finally ate breakfast and got dressed. These simple acts that can seem and feel so difficult and impossible at times in the midst of depression helped boost my mood completely.
Now, it's as if I those depressive emotions didn't even exist this morning.
As I have thought about this experience more through out my day, I realized something. Something so crucial yet so important. The action that really helped to boost my mood was the first action.
That act of kindness towards someone so important to me. Knowing I helped someone in need of comfort. It was this that truly lifted my spirit, heart and mind.
I believe that this is my #1 tip to cope with those heavy, severe emotions. Spring into action! You never know who's saving grace you may be that day.
Mosiah 18:9 "Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn: yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..."
I will choose to stand with those in need of comfort. The depressed. The anxious. The mourning. And any who The Lord needs me to stand with in time of need. Because no one should have to go through this life alone.
I love this and I love you.