Letting others know about your problems can be a real challenge for some. Especially if you tend to be a private person. Believe me, I get it. It took me a long time to open up about certain things. Experiences that were hurtful and shaped me into a broken person. It took me a very long time to accept that emotionally, I needed help. Some repairing needed to be done. Then, it took longer to finally set aside my pride and start seeing a counselor. After that, the most amazing thing began to happen. I started to heal.
That's right! HEAL. Yes, it was very small pieces at a time - and don't get me wrong, it really hurt sometimes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I began to understand myself a bit more. I learned why I did certain things that seemed strange. Why I thought certain things. Why it was so hard for me to just let go, be happy, fully trust myself and anyone else. It is a process that is for sure. Plus, I don't think I'm done. But that's ok. I accept that about myself.
After seeing my first counselor, I began writing blogs about my experiences. About my emotional and mentally abusive relationship from high school. About some of my experiences with depression and anxiety. I began to open up even more and letting people know that we all have our own set of problems. No one is perfect. There is no shame in that!
Now that we are on that topic, I have something thing to say.
No one is perfect. Absolutely not. No matter how beautiful and staged their instagram may look. How flawless they Seem right out of bed. Their picture perfect makeup and manicured hands. It all seems too good to be true, right? That's because it is guys. No ones life is picture perfect. That's just what they want you to see. What you don't see, is how much work went into all of it. The filters used. The editing. Maybe even the tears that were shed due to their own anxiety. Or the mask they put on for a picture because they feel numb inside. Mayne they themselves are having relationship problems or struggling with addiction. Of course, that's not always the case. However, just remember, when you're scrolling through someones perfectly edited page, they are not perfect.
Since opening up, it has allowed me to help others. I have had people reach out to me at times, telling me how much they love what I write because it helped them or even someone else they know, so much. It helped them feel less alone.
For example, recently, like sometime last week, I had a panic attack. In the shower while Adam was at work. Thankfully, I was able to calm myself down. Miracle its self, really. Then, a few hours later, I felt inspired to share this with a friend. Even though I wasn't sure as to why I should do this, I did it anyway. Thank you, Holy Spirit. They then expressed how grateful they were to me for sharing this with them because they didn't know I struggled with anxiety and panic attacks to the same extent that they do. They were so grateful to know that they were not alone and that someone they know understands.
I was so grateful that I listened to that still small voice. I am so grateful that I could help a friend know that they are not alone. Because we are not alone. We never have to be alone. But I understand the feeling. Sometimes, that anxiety and depression makes you feel utterly alone - and it hurts. A lot. Even I sometimes forget, that there is always one person who truly knows and understands that pain I am feeling. Because He felt it, too. My Savior, Jesus Christ. He felt all our pain. All of it.
Opening up has allowed me to be more candid with people. I'm no longer afraid to share with others that I have these types of struggles with anxiety and depression. You never know who you might help by opening up and letting others know. Plus, it helps you as well. It helps me. I have become so much more accepting of myself and not ashamed of my problems. Because they are NOT MY FAULT. They are not who I am. They do not define me. My anxiety, my depression, my struggles with self-esteem. They are not what makes me, me. They are just the trials I've been given in this life. Weaknesses that I work to make strengths. I know that may sound weird but it's true. I work on these weaknesses so I can help others. To that makes them a strength.
Remember, you are not alone. You are loved. You have a loving Heavenly Father. A Savior who knows all your pain. Because He has felt it. He died for you. That is how loved you truly are. If you are struggling with something, anything, I invite you to start Letting Others Know. Allow your own healing to begin
God Bless
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