Lately, with all the changes with the Boy Scouts and some pod casts Adam and I have listened to by Matt Walsh, I can't help but think about my own boys and the ever increasingly backwards world they are growing up in.
Years ago it was normal, natural and expected for men to be men and women to be women. Boys to be boys and girls to be girls. Each gender (because yes, there are only two genders), had their roles and it was perfectly harmonious.
Now, some of you may be thinking I'm old-fashioned. That I need to move on with the times and be enlightened. That's fine, you have that right. Just like I have the right to say, no way. I have strong beliefs and I know I'm "old-fashioned". I am perfectly accepting of this fact.
So, I don't get it. Why do the girls get to have Girl Scouts completely to them selves, but boys no longer get Boy Scouts to them selves? It think its wrong and unacceptable that we have taught girls to feel like if they aren't included in everything that the boys are doing, then they are being oppressed. I'm sorry, but that is completely selfish. Why as women, do you feel like you have and need the right to take away mens rights? Both genders need a place where they can spend time with just the same gender, allowing them to be completely themselves.
As a mother of two boys, you better believe this is upsetting to me. My boys have to grow up in a world where women will disrespect them just for being a man. They are growing up in a world where the media makes men seem dimwitted, lazy, incompetent, stupid and quiet frankly, useless. It's ludicrous really. For centuries, men have been the protectors and providers. What is so wrong with that now? I just don't get it. I, personally, am completely accepting of this role. I love that my husband does all he can to provide for my family and thinks of ways to help protect us if and when needed. I love my own role and feel very blessed that I get to be a stay at home mom. That I get to nurture, teach, play and love my boys all day. (I'll probably write a separate post about that soon).
Now that The Boys Scouts of America are dropping the "Boy" in their name and accept girls, we are not putting our boys into the scouting program. Call sexist or whatever other nasty name you choose, but I'm serious. My husband can teach them the necessary skills they would have learned in scouts. I will just have to find other ways to help my boys have boy time as they grow up. And I mean, boy time. Even with out me around, because I truly do think that it is important for them.
There is probably a lot more I could say, but I don't want this to get heated, so I will say one more thing.
I believe in a Heavenly Father. I believe he made man and woman to be companions. To help each other. To raise each other up, instead of tearing each other down. Let us love each for WHO we are instead of loathing each other for WHAT we are. Let boys be boys. Let girls be girls. Be proud of who you were born to be. You are a child of God. I am a child of God. My boys and my husbands or sons of God. And I love them for it.
As a mother of two boys, you better believe this is upsetting to me. My boys have to grow up in a world where women will disrespect them just for being a man. They are growing up in a world where the media makes men seem dimwitted, lazy, incompetent, stupid and quiet frankly, useless. It's ludicrous really. For centuries, men have been the protectors and providers. What is so wrong with that now? I just don't get it. I, personally, am completely accepting of this role. I love that my husband does all he can to provide for my family and thinks of ways to help protect us if and when needed. I love my own role and feel very blessed that I get to be a stay at home mom. That I get to nurture, teach, play and love my boys all day. (I'll probably write a separate post about that soon).
Now that The Boys Scouts of America are dropping the "Boy" in their name and accept girls, we are not putting our boys into the scouting program. Call sexist or whatever other nasty name you choose, but I'm serious. My husband can teach them the necessary skills they would have learned in scouts. I will just have to find other ways to help my boys have boy time as they grow up. And I mean, boy time. Even with out me around, because I truly do think that it is important for them.
There is probably a lot more I could say, but I don't want this to get heated, so I will say one more thing.
I believe in a Heavenly Father. I believe he made man and woman to be companions. To help each other. To raise each other up, instead of tearing each other down. Let us love each for WHO we are instead of loathing each other for WHAT we are. Let boys be boys. Let girls be girls. Be proud of who you were born to be. You are a child of God. I am a child of God. My boys and my husbands or sons of God. And I love them for it.
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