Friday, September 16, 2016

Universal Studios

Last week, we as a family of four went to universal studios. It was the first time all four of us went since moving here back in February. We weren't sure exactly what to expect in a crowded place with stimulating factors everywhere you turn.

We spent a short time in Harry Potter world, but didn't stay long due to the fact that the boys ended up being terrified of the dragon that breathes fire. Like, scream for their lives terrified. However sad it was to witness, I couldn't help but giggle a little. Sorry boys. 

Since that didn't work out, we spent most of our time in a kid zone area with slides and balls. Which ended up being a blast. Alister got to go on his first roller coaster. And guess what? He LOVED IT. Which as a couple who loves roller coasters ourselves, made us tremendously happy. He ended up going on it three time while we were there. Twice with his Papa and once with his Mama. Corbin was just a little too short to go. But that's ok, he still had a lot of fun watching his brother on the roller coaster.

We also took the boys on their first water slide, which they both also loved. Corbin gave out a scream of excitement the second time he went on it with Adam.

It was a lot of fun and we had a total blast. Now here's some pictures for your enjoyment. :)

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