Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Corbin: 6th Birthday

Our baby is 6 today. It’s incredibly bittersweet. It has been so fun to watch him grow and develop such a fun, imaginative personality. He’s our little negotiator who wears us out. He has a million and one ideas each day. Corbin wants you to be happy and is concerned if you are sad. He can be bossy, but I think with developing that trait into a positive one, he’d make a great leader. Everyone he comes in contact with thinks he is just adorable and delight to be around. 

Corbin makes us laugh everyday. He surprises us with his answers during scripture reading. His prayers are becoming more thoughtful and sincere. 

His reading skills are coming along great. He loves to learn. He’s a fast worker when it comes to school. Sometimes a little too fast. Haha! When it comes to technology, the boy has me beat. I’m an 80 year old Amish woman when it comes to technology. (Adams words). 

Corbin, keep being you. Keep surprising us. Keep growing into the little fun, punk you are. 


Color: pink
Food: Mac n cheese
Animal: giraffes
Toy: turbo
Book:Shtinky Christmas
Movie: Frozen 2
Family Activity: playing card games
Holiday: Christmas
Song: Trigger Warning - Sunshine Skater Kids
Outside Activity: Build a Snowman & throwing snowballs