I probably should have picked a different analogy for this because I actually really love roller coasters. But it works so whatever.
Life is like a roller coaster. Full of ups and downs. Loops and corkscrews. It's just the way it's meant to be. Life wasn't made to be easy. That's why we have good and evil. Wrong and right. Light and darkness. You get the idea. Life is hard.
But guess what? You don't have to go at it alone. Isn't that awesome! Even at our hardest moments, if we would just kneel and pray. Talk to your Father in Heaven. He will listen. He may not answer right away or give you the answer you want but just hold on. I promise He listens. He answers our prayers and knows our greatest desires.
Over the past couple of years, we have moved from Indiana to Florida and Florida to Idaho. These are not easy moves. If you've ever moved such far distances then you understand.
I've mentioned before that moving from Indiana was a hard move due to the fact that we loved it there. Adam loved his job, his calling at church, our home, neighbors and friends. We loved everything about it. We felt completely blessed in our lives. But we gave that up to move to Florida to help family. A humbling sacrifice.
Florida was a trial. Yes, we made good memories and we really liked the area of Orlando that we lived in. But it was big change and many things changed even more while we were there. Personal changes and spiritual changes happened in family members. Changes and choices were made that were hard to witness. But, like I said, we did make some good memories. Many around the dinner table, going to Cocoa Beach, days at Universal Studios and a trip to the Keys. These moments will live in our hearts with fondness.
Our decision to move back to Idaho also came with family reasons. One of the biggest reasons was for Adam's father, Bob. Whom as you may or may not know, has Alzheimer's. We decided it would be best to bring him back here since this is where he was born and grew up. He has lots of long term memories here and there are some family members in Rexburg. It's where he will be buried when he passes. It seemed the logical thing to do for longterm purposes. I still believe that to this day. Last week Bob was placed in a caring facility. It's a sorrowful process but is necessary at this time. When someone as young as Bob was when he was diagnosed with this terrible disease, it takes you fairly swiftly. The process went much more smoothly then anticipated which is a huge blessing. God has truly looked over our family and listened to our pleads and prayers.
A couple of months ago around the same time the decision came to place Bob in a home, Adam and I both felt strongly that our time here in Idaho was coming to an end. We both had the idea of going back to St. George and going back to Dixie State. After this thought things just starting falling into place to allow such a move. Blessings have just lined up and I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father.
So there you have it! We are moving back to St. George, Utah. We leave Idaho February 28th and begin a new chapter in our life.
Listen, God loves you. He does listen. God knows what we need and when we need it. He knows you better then anyone. God is rooting for you. So don't give up. Be patient. Keep living your life to the best of your ability. Keep faith and hope. God won't abandon you. You are not alone. Keep cheerful and keep looking forward. Each day is a gift. Something to learn each day. Keep an open mind so God can fill it with thoughts of hope and happiness.