While we were there, we helped Adams parents pack up to move to Florida. That was one of our main reasons for going out there. The second reason was to go to the temple. My brother (twin brother), was going through for the first time.
Other then going through the temple my first time and then being married to my husband, this was one of the single most happiest and surreal experiences of my life. I'm sure I glowed with a smiled plastered to my face as I watched him soak it all in and glow with the light of Christ himself. There are emotions I felt that I can not adequetely discribe with words. Spiritual emotions not only from watching my brother take out his endowments but spiritual emotions connected between twins. A connection that I can honestly say I can not utter in words because I simply do not have the ability to discribe it. It was like a glimpse of heaven. I had similar feelings when Adam and I were married but this was different in way.
So to put it simply, it is a special experience that I won't soon forget. The love I felt for my brother and family I'm sure was only a fraction of what will feel in the next life to come.