Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Corbin - Six Months

Well, we're already to the half way point to a year! My goodness! Corbin is now sitting. He is also rolling from his back to his tummy. The first day he did that, I got so excited and kept telling him how proud I was of him. He just kept smiling. He's eating veggies now and loves them. We love him to pieces and couldn't be happier. I'm so glad he came when he did. 


-eating his veggies.
-being anywhere with mom. 
-watching Alister.


-being left alone
-car rides (usually) 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I Will Not Be Silent

Last night, for the time in my life, someone told me that Joseph Smith was a con man. Now, I have heard this phrase before. But, I have never been told this directly. I must say I was flooded with emotion. Anger and hurt filled me and my mind raced with fiery remarks. Before replying (via an app on my phone) I said a prayer. One to help calm me and to help me say the right things. I'm glad I did. 

As I laid there in my bed, typing on my phone, I was astonished at the closemindedness of this boy. I told him that I would not be silent about his accusations against Joseph Smith. For the Holy Ghost has bore witness to me the Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet. And he did again last night. 

Now, I do not write this to boast. I wrote this because I feel I must. I need to let you know that I known of the truthfulness o f the gospel. But, mostly at this time, to let you know that Joseph Smith saw the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. That pure and innocent boy spoke with them. He sought out the truth and was given an answer. He saw that pillar of light shine down upon him. He translated the Book of Mormon. This I know. Joseph Smith restored this church and the fullness of the gospel. He died a martyr. Because he knew the truth and had the courage to stand strong and tall for it. He never denied the vision. He never denied Christ. He never denied the truth. For he knew what he saw. 

I know all of this to be true. And I will never deny it. I Iove this gospel. I love my Savior. And I say these things humbly in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.