Our baby is four months old! And my oh my, don't we love him. :) He had his doctors visit and is very healthy. His weight is a little low from where the doctor would like to see it. So, we are now starting to supplement with formula. The first time I gave it to him, I only made two ounces. He did just fine with it. :) no problem with switching over.
The day before his visit we had decided that we would need to start supplementing anyway. Perfect timing. :)
He grew two and a half inches in length. But, he's still small. His head on the other hand, is in the 95% percentile. So, he's got a big noggin. But, apart from his eczema, Doctor says he looks very healthy. :)
Corbin is flipping from tummy to back more and more. Sometimes, it's hard to keep him on his tummy. :)
- Being tossed in the air (gently, of course).
- Tummy time (for a short time).
- Bath time.
- Being alone. He really likes to be with someone almost constantly.
Weight: 12.7 lbs. 6%
Length: 24 3/4 in. 37%
OFC: 43.5 cm 95%