The month of October was filled with fun things. :) First off, Alister turned 3 months old. Happy Day! I know every one says this but, they sure do grow up fast don't they! He's doing so well. Growing stronger everyday. :)

Now to tell you about Adam and I's life time experience. SKY DIVING! What a trip! Man O Man! The reason we went was for our friend, Bryce's, Bachelor Party. :) Yes, I was there with nine men. And it was unbelievable. The morning of the jump we were surprisingly, very calm. The excitement didn't really hit until we saw the first group jump. Then it was like, "Bring It On!" Adam and I were in the next group. :D We both thought we'd get nervous at some point. We got strapped in. No nerves. We boarded the plane with our instructors. Stil no nerves. Only more excitment building up. The plane starts and takes off. Nervous? No way! We're at 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, 11000, and finally 13000 feet in the air. Nervous yet? Why should I be! Doors open. Still nothing but excitement. We watched the first guy jump. Nothing. I watched Adam jump. WOW! My turn! Falling. What a rush! We free fell for 8000 feet! The canopy releases. Surreal. Mesquite never looked so good. (That's where we went sky diving). The fear never came. The nerves never set in. It was literally just pure joy. And, of course, a lot of adrenaline. :D Adam and I want to do it again. So Bad! Adam talked to his brother, Zach, after word. Zach said "You sound older". WHAT? Awesome. We really did feel something different in our life. Hard to say what exactly, but something had defiantly changed in both of us. And let me tell you. Nothing will top this.

After sky diving we went to the bridal shower. Let me tell you, after jumping out of a plane, a shower was . . . boring. No offense Brittany.
After the shower a few of us went out to dinner then we went to Fiesta Fun and drove Go Carts. That was fun. Except for the part where we got kicked of early. You normally get five minutes to drive. We got two and a half. Aparantly we were bumping to much. But, that's what happens when you have like ten cars out on a little track. Whatever. We also went to the driving range. (golf) Bragging moment. I got three or four balls into the air out to the 50 yard area. :) Go me. So needless to say, it was a fun day. It was great to hang out with friends and experience something new together. Adam did say that sky diving wouldn't have been nearly as awesome with out me. :) I love being able to enjoy life with my husband. He's the best. :)
Well, I think that's all I have. I mean, there was Halloween, but we didn't do much. I put a wound on my face and Adam and I took my brother, Cameron, and our cousin, Rance, to a haunted house in St. George. That was about it. That was fun though. :)